So this year we went straight from summer into winter with maybe a week of fall. I heard it was about the same for Minnesota too! I am quite suprised as to how much of a baby I am. I grew up in Minnesota for 21 years. You would think I was used to the cold. YEA RIGHT! I hate being cold, and am a weenie when it comes to having cold weather here. Maybe it is different because I spend more time outside here than I did in MN? Not sure, but I hate it. Or maybe I just got used to the warm weather in Cali and AZ. I might just have to move to AZ where it is HOT everyday, all year round! :D
Anyways, I am done with my first week of school! So far so good! Briahna will be starting at the Children's Learning Academy in November, 2 days a week. It is a preschool setting, but of course not as strict as 2 year olds don't always cooperate! :D I am excited for her to get to be with other kids and to have some time to myself for school and what not!
My mom just sent us a new bed cover and tons of throw pillows and osme other room decorating stuff. She does a great job with that stuff! Our room finally feels more like home! :D She is sending a quilt for Briahna soon as well, I will have to post it once it gets here! I think I already talked about that!
Halloween is coming up next week! I am soooo excited! We are going to do the whole trick or treating thing and they have a little function on base with activities for Briahna! She is either going to be a princess or Tinkerbell...not sure yet! I got a girly eskimo costume and tuan is going to be mr. michael jackson of course. Can't wait to see this ha! I'll be sure to post pictures!
Well I don't have much else to say, just a quick update !miss everyone, have a great halloween!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Making A Change...
5 Generations- G.G.Gladys-->Patricia-->Danita-->Ashly-->Briahna
Since I have been back home to Germany, I have been thinking and rethinking what to do next. (As far as school, work, life, etc.) I am unsure really what the next step is. But as of right now, my next step is heading back to school! I am going to work at getting a Bachelors in Health Care Administration/Health Information Systems from the University of Phoenix. I am excited to go back and finally do something productive! I am going to continue looking for jobs in hospitals and clinics as a secretary type. That's what my AAS degree is in. But it's quite difficult here in Germany to find a job in that area. I am slowly trying to earn more responsibility at Chili's. Things like becoming a certified trainer and hopefully bartender soon. I know it's not a "real" job, but I'll tell you this, not just anyone can be a good server. I have seen many people fail at this job and it can be quite challenging for some! Maybe someday become an manager or something. I have learned in the last few years, I like to be the boss!! And I am pretty good at delegating others in a positive way! So we will see how that goes! Wish me luck!
Briahna chasing the goat at the Amazin' Farm yard in Eden Valley, MN.
On another note, Briahna is getting soo big! She is 2 years and 3 months already! She has learned so much in those 2 short years, it just blows my mind! I have been trying to get her into a child care program or German Kindergarten. I want her to interact with other children and be in a somewhat organized environment! She strives to learn newthings EVERY day! She is quite amazing, ask my dad! He was so amazed with her while we were home! The two things on the top of his mind: the shop and Briahna. My mom, Molly, and I wonder how come we don't rate that high! And it's only because, of course, Briahna can do no wrong! If you know my dad, you understand! :D But yea, all is going well with her! I just bought her some new little Old Navy outfits, so cute! And am waiting for the rest to come from my mom! Speaking of my mom, she made a super cute quilt for Briahna's bedroom! As soon as we get it, I'll post up a picture! Briahna loves it!

My mom, dad, and Briahna before we headed back to Germany.
My mom, dad, and Briahna before we headed back to Germany.
Well, I suposse I shall do some real work on the computer! I thank all those who do read my blog. I was also wondering, to those of you who do read it, I would like some idea's to make my blog more interesting to read. I know talking about my life can 't get boring sometimes! Maybe some topics you'd like to read about? I have been thinking about blogging about a few things, other than just my life but can't come up with any good ideas at the moment! so just comment and let me know! Thanks again and miss all those far away!
Please keep my cousin Ben and Uncle Terry in your thoughts as they serve our country in Iraq and Afghanistan! Thanks! :D
Thursday, September 17, 2009
I'm still alive...
Well not sure many people actually read my blog but yea! I'm still alive. Have been either to busy or just avoiding writing my life story (Probably the second one). Mostly because it's not all that interesting!
Briahna and I just got back from the wonderful USA! As much as the economy sucks right now, I would much rather be there near my family! It's never fun being away! We had such a great time home with my parents, family, and friends! My sister even snuck home to visit! That definitely made my trip much more memorable! Briahna was now old enough to run around with Bud and Dude too! I had a great time visiting with the cousins and the few other people I got to see! All and all it was wonderful! Well, except for my bank account, but we won't discuss that! Ha!
We didn't do a large amount of traveling while we were home, but definitely enough to keep busy! Of course we went to the zoo, if anyone was wondering! I think I am more amazed thanBriahna though! My mother and I did alot of shopping as well, hence the damaged bank account! My dad took the day off, yes a day off, and took Briahna and I to the state fair! We had some fried stuff and checked out the animal barns! Oh, and John was never free from his phone for more than 30 minutes! :D For my birthday, my friends and I went to the Vikings Vs. Cowboys game! Very fun! And most of the time we just spent time home, hanging out with the fam and such!
But we are back now and getting adjusted! Tuan is in Denmark working, so it's been over a month since we have seen him! And we are missin him! But he should be back next week, so that will be nice! anyways, I don't have much else to say! Ill post pictures soon and write something worthwhile soon!
Briahna and I just got back from the wonderful USA! As much as the economy sucks right now, I would much rather be there near my family! It's never fun being away! We had such a great time home with my parents, family, and friends! My sister even snuck home to visit! That definitely made my trip much more memorable! Briahna was now old enough to run around with Bud and Dude too! I had a great time visiting with the cousins and the few other people I got to see! All and all it was wonderful! Well, except for my bank account, but we won't discuss that! Ha!
We didn't do a large amount of traveling while we were home, but definitely enough to keep busy! Of course we went to the zoo, if anyone was wondering! I think I am more amazed thanBriahna though! My mother and I did alot of shopping as well, hence the damaged bank account! My dad took the day off, yes a day off, and took Briahna and I to the state fair! We had some fried stuff and checked out the animal barns! Oh, and John was never free from his phone for more than 30 minutes! :D For my birthday, my friends and I went to the Vikings Vs. Cowboys game! Very fun! And most of the time we just spent time home, hanging out with the fam and such!
But we are back now and getting adjusted! Tuan is in Denmark working, so it's been over a month since we have seen him! And we are missin him! But he should be back next week, so that will be nice! anyways, I don't have much else to say! Ill post pictures soon and write something worthwhile soon!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
...i can see good in everything...
I just want to start out by saying how happy I have been in the last few weeks! I must say it feels wonderfuL! There are still things that aren't always so great, but the good things definitely overcome the bad! :D
So what is new with us? Well Tuan and I are now proud parents of the smartest 2-year-old EVER! Yes I am sure she is the smartest! She turned 2 last Wednesday the 24th! I can't believe it has been 2 years! This little girl has been around the world and back again! Tuan and I took her to Legoland Duetschland in Gunzburg. It was about a 3 hour drive! Long but we all enjoyed it! We stayed in a small German hotel. Cute but way overpriced! Legoland was pretty cool! Every statue was built from legos! They had a few rides and what not, I guess we probably enjoyed itmore than Briahna did!
(below- Briahna and I on this ride that goes in circles...we assumed it was have went slow...YEA RIGHT! That ride made me sick! )
Today (Wednesday) and the last few days have been soo hot! You know how I need that AC! But since the Germans don't believe in that, Im stuck with fans! I bought one yesterday, set it up, and all night long heard a clicking sound! UGH I returned that asap this morning and got a new one! :D Earlier today we went to Tuan's family day at work! It was like a buffet type of all the different nations foods! Tuan was in heaven with all the food they had! I hav
e been battling a sickness for the past few days so I wasn't all for it, but it was fun to see where and who he works with! We also met General Brady, a 4-star! Tuan talks about him all the time! He is in charge of...something..ha not sure what exactly!
So anyone else watch Grey's Anatomy...addicting! I am just starting the 4th season! Uh.. love it!
Below--Briahna opening her gifts from her birthday! Nothing special, but I did it up Elmo style! Thanks to those who sent her gifts/cards in the mail! We appreciate them! :D
My blogs are always so random, I always think I have so much to write, but than once I sit down and write, I forget or end up rambling on about other things! :D Well, once I remember more, I will definitely write another! Miss and love all of you! Oh yea, comment me if you would like to view my photos at snapfish! I will send you an invite! Be home in August! SEe you all soon! :D
Thursday, June 18, 2009
...sometimes love comes around...
That would be the lyrics to my new favorite song by Keri Hilson, called Knock you down. Lovee it!
I saw Hinder in concert in the beginning of June. It was pretty awesome, the crowd was small and it was FREE! I had my fist taste of Bitburger, German beer. Def. not my favorite! I also took briahna to the pool the other day. German pools are like a maze. You pay to get in of course, than go through door after door to get to the actual pool, and ps they don't allow flops...GROSS! But on the upside, they had 3 indoor pools, and 4 outdoor pools, slides, high dives, toddler areas, water game areas, huge lawn for sun baking, and a snack bar! What else could u ask for! Well on the day we went it was raning, so we didn't go outside but still! That day it down poured non=stop from 11a-after midnight. Ah!
Work is going well, i guess! I have been making decent tips, but definitely over worked! I am one of the few with an actual family, so most people that work there don't understand what it's like trying to find babysitters or shift coverage due to military! Who knew people could be so heartless when it comes to situations like that! But I still do my best when I can!
I recently painted my kitchen a light green color, my first project, um.. ever! It looks pretty nice! i was proud! My next project is my front garden type thing, and my back patio...I want to make them presentable and if the patio/lawn were nice, I would be more inclined to take Briahna out there during the day, but at the moment, it is quite nasty!
Briahna is doing wonderfuL! She turns 2 on the 24th! I can't believe how time flys! She is extremely smart for her age and shocks me with something new everyday! She can count to 14 all by her self, and is slowly learning the ABC's and colors. Her favorite pastime lately has been playing with rocks, coloring, and babies! I think she might be a runner when she gets older, that girl can almost outrun me. And most of you know that I am a runner! Oh and she loves Elmo and Abby Caddabby! I got her the cutest little dabby doll for her birthday ha! :D She is definitely spoiled with my love :D! We got her hair cute a few weeks ago, that girl was so scared! She cried and cried when she saw those scissors! But by the end she was better!
Hm. Not to much else on my mind right now! Briahna and I will be home in August! Sooooo excited! Can't wait to see the family and be in America! Yummy fatty food--here I come!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
..i seem to have disappeared...
But I am back at it... Just letting you all know that things are going well! Briahna and I will be home in August for a month! SOOO excited to see everyone! We have been busy doing the usual. I have been working, Tuan has been working, and Briahna as been working us! :D She is getting soo big and smart! She can count to 13 in English and to 10 in Vietnamese! She is slowly learning colors, and speaking in phrases/sentences! She is becoming aware of when her diaper is full and needs a change. I bought her a new potty chair and am excited/dreading the whole potty training thing! We have been taking walks and getting her out of the house lately!
However, the weather is getting hot and humid. So NOT for me at all! We took Briahna to the zoo for Memorial Day. It was a sad little zoo that is for sure, but she definitely enjoyed the animals and being able to run around! The other day we went to eat at the hotel down the street. We ordered the largest burger there
, needless to say, it was LARGE! It was 10 inches across and about 4-5 inches thick! It was a monster! Other than that, we haven't been up to much. Tuan bought a new car, yes, again! But he loves it! It is an RSX Type S Acura. A typical asian car haha! Oh ya, just wanted to say a belated Happy Mother's day to all the amazing moms out there! And also hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend! Next is the month of June, so many birthdays, and the best day ever, Father's day! What the heck do I get my dad for that? You all know my dad, it's a touch desicion on what to get uh! Oh and it's wedding season! Speaking of that, Congrats to Kelsie and Alex (engaged!) :D Anyways, that's all for no
Thursday, April 30, 2009
What is this world coming to??

The swine flu...are you effing kidding me!! Uh I am not one to worry so much about things, but this is one that has got me going! I am soo bothered that it has been reported in Germany. Since Germany is so small, I feel like it is just lurking outside my house! Perhaps I am being excessively paranoid, but seriously, I am scared! I am also worried more and more everyday about my family and friends in the states. I pray and hope that researchers find a cure or antibody to get this virus under control. Who knows how it will affect the world tomorrow, or next week. It is scary not knowing at all! It actually makes me more angry than anything!
I hope that everyone is taking proper precautions and staying safe during this pandemic!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
that mouse sure didn't know what was in it's nastly little future...

Sunday, April 19, 2009
So I still need to upload the Minnesota part of our trip. But that will be for another day. We are finally getting adjusted back to Germany. Tuan has been busy working as well as I have. I am hoping to start school soon and hopefully finish my degree...1000 years later! I am also hoping to get a new job at an american clinic around here, but that is a work in progress. Briahna is busy playing and talking up a storm. She is saying partial sentences and counting very well. She loves Elmo and Big Bird. Her new thing is screaming Big Bird as loud as she can when she sees him! She is also getting very stubborn, just like her parents :D! Tuan had his wisdom teeth removed. He was a trooper and acted like a man! ha! He also did our guest room downstairs. Thanks to his yard sale obsession, we have gotten some nice things for down there! It looks pretty good, so anyone wanting to come visit, you will have your own little domaine down there! The weather is amazing! 70s daily...except for the last few days it rained and it was pretty nippy! I have been going to the gym regularly, and my pants are finally fitting again! :D Yay! I am def. missing home more than ever lately. I hope to come home for a visit soon when everyone is less busy! Miss the parents and molly like crazy! Who knew! Life is crazy, how it just keeps going whether you are ready for it or not! Love it, hate it, live it... that's all we can do! But anyways, miss u all! Take care!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
More to come...
So there are 3 new blogs with photos and such... I will post about my MN trip later on!! :D
desert places...3
We met the Michael Jackson impersonator...he was soooo sweaty... but a pretty good impersonator...we also met Christina Agulara, Rod Stewart and saw Tim Mcgraw and Elvis...all impersonators of course! That was a show called the American Superstars showin at the hotel Stratusphere...pretty cool and cheap! This day was Tuan's birthday... we spent 50 on 2 drinks for him to get his drink on.. he got a long island with 10 shots of alchy...crazy right! 
They are from a tiny town in AZ with a population of like 1000... They do have a sonic.. probably my new favorite place to eat...esp the oreo malts! MMMMAZING! We basically hung out with their family and did a little shopping and kicked back.. nothing serious! Oh and ate alot of asian food... can't complain was good!
We went to see Wayne Brady while we were in Vegas...He was pretty funny but so not worth the money we had to pay! He played at the Venetian...gorgeous hotel!
This humpy dumpty was too cute...not really sure what it's purpose was at the hotel...
We stayed at the Excalibur. Pretty decent for the price we payed... There isn't as much to do there as others but still nice compared to the place I stayed last year... We were right on the end of the strip and walking distance from everything!
We went to Arizona fora few days to see Briahna's other side of the family. Here they are all eating Pho and talkin...of course I had no idea what they were saying! They all were so happy to see Briahna.
We took the cousins Go Karting... pretty fun and I am sure they enjoyed it!
They are from a tiny town in AZ with a population of like 1000... They do have a sonic.. probably my new favorite place to eat...esp the oreo malts! MMMMAZING! We basically hung out with their family and did a little shopping and kicked back.. nothing serious! Oh and ate alot of asian food... can't complain was good!
Trip to the US...2
Trip to the States....1
We arrived in California on March 5. We spent the weekend spending time with Tuan's mom and Feets and VA. We did a little shopping and out to eat for the most part. Nothing to exciting. We also took Briahna to Disneyland and the Long Beach aquarium. She definitely enjoyed them! We took Vincent out for his 16th birthday to the Cheesecake factory. (Best cheesecake ever by the way) Briahna spent alot of time with Tho (Tuan's mom), while we just hung out around the area. We went to the swap meet where Bri wanted the ugliest baby doll. Of course we got it for her!
Going backwards, our plane ride went fairly well. However, our flight attendents were HORRIBLE. We landed in Michigan and our flight was delayed. So you know, after already flying for 9 hours, who wants to wait?! So we finally got on the next flight to Cali...They said it would take 5 ended up taking 6 and half hours!! Are you kidding me! IT was insane...

Here is Tuan and I after our LONG plane rides to Cali.
Hm. What else is there to talk about... We did alot more but thos will come in another blog with other pictures. Oh ya, we went to Venice beach. SOOO not a place for children. Homeless people on one side, crappy crap on sale on the other side...oh and don't forget the cloud of weed smoke in the air! I am sure I would have appreciated it more if I wasn't a mother... I remember having to use the restroom and totally walked in on some dude pullin up his pants...EW! HE came out mumbling something...creepy! I fina lly walked in and wanted to vomit! The floor was covered in everything you can imagine...UH... Ill probably NEVER go there again! No thanks!
Here is Feets, VA, Tuan, and I eating at Rockin' Crawfish...soooo good! That is one thing we miss here in Germany, no seafood anywhere!
We were pretty busy in Cali, but I guess I am forgetting alot... or just no room for more pictures! :D Ill add another blog shortly!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
So as we all know, Briahna is my busy little toddler. Well she is getting to the stage of learning to dress...okay well UNdress herself. I can barely get her to keep her pants on for more than an hour before they are hiding the corner somewhere! She hasn't mastered the shirt yet, but her next accomplishment has been the diaper. Okay so she is too smart for her own good. I woke up this morning to find a naked baby rolling around in her crib...SERIOUSLY!! And yesterday, the same thing after her nap, but yesterday, she thought she would leave me a little present (not poo either)!! OHH I couldn't help but laugh, Tuan was more upset than I was. But still, how can you not laugh! So I hope all of you can now imagine my bottomless baby running around the house causing mischief! LOVe her anyways! So yea, that is my story for the day!
Be home in 9 days everyone! :D
Saturday, February 21, 2009
:) the good stuff....
So I just wanted to write about my amazing little Valentine's day suprise!
I had to host that night at work. I was up in front, talking to customers, answering phones, and doing whatever else I was doing. I felt something hit my leg, and I glanced down and saw a little kid. I didn't think anything of it, until it hit my leg again. Looked again, the kiddo looked familiar. So she hit me again, and finally I bent down and it was Briahna! (How sad, I didn't notice her right away) But she was holding a bouquet of roses for me!! I looked around for Tuan and he was still outside. It was soo cute, cuz Briahna was like "flower" "mommy"... and gave them to me! My heart melted! Tuan came in with a bag of candies and a liscence plate he had made with my name on it. It was adorable, how he did that! It totally made my night! So yea, just thought I would share ha!!
Um we will be in the states in 12...yes 12 days!! :D Hope to see everyone while we are there! Love you all!
I had to host that night at work. I was up in front, talking to customers, answering phones, and doing whatever else I was doing. I felt something hit my leg, and I glanced down and saw a little kid. I didn't think anything of it, until it hit my leg again. Looked again, the kiddo looked familiar. So she hit me again, and finally I bent down and it was Briahna! (How sad, I didn't notice her right away) But she was holding a bouquet of roses for me!! I looked around for Tuan and he was still outside. It was soo cute, cuz Briahna was like "flower" "mommy"... and gave them to me! My heart melted! Tuan came in with a bag of candies and a liscence plate he had made with my name on it. It was adorable, how he did that! It totally made my night! So yea, just thought I would share ha!!
Um we will be in the states in 12...yes 12 days!! :D Hope to see everyone while we are there! Love you all!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
My funny Valentine...
So I was the meanest mommy today, I totally dressed Briahna up in this goofy little Valentine outfit! HA! She looked adorable though haha!! I hope everyone else had a great day, even tho most people despise this day, and I totally don't blame them! It is an overly promoted day, where people spend way to much money on crappy candy and too much pink/red shit! Ah annoying! I did get Tuan a little something, but totally didn't spend alot of money! Briahna got more for the day than we did, thanks to Nana and Diane! She is miss little spoiled lately! But love her as always!!
At the moment, she is hiding behind the curtains washing the window with her wipes. She is so weird sometimes! She is busy talking and playing and watching Mickey! She might be obsessed with Mickey! Tuan loves to do that claw machine, where u try to grab the prize with a claw or whatever. Well, he has won her like 10 mickey/minnies...the back of his little Honda is filled with them! All different types and such! Crazy!
Last night Tuan and I went for dinner to this Italian place called DINO. It was amazing! The food was so good and it was just a nice atmosphere! Than after that we went to eat at Chili's, well just desert and such but it was sooo good! :D That was our Valentine celebration since I have to work tonight and he is gone today working on his car. I think he should be getting it started soon! Hopefully!! So ya!
So this picture is of Tuan sleeping. I ALWAYS sleep with that blanket around my head and he totally makes fun of me! But that night I got home from work, and LOOK! He totally was doing it too, what a punk for making fun of me! And than he was like "its comforting," well no shit dude, that's why I do it!!
Nothing else exciting here, except that we will bein the states in like 19 days!!!!!!!! Seriously, I can NOT wait to be back and see the fam!! Miss you all sooo much! :D So yea, that is about it! Nothing special in this blog! See you all soon!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Gym complaints...
As most of you know, I love to hit up the gym on a regular basis or when I am in the mood! Well, lately I have been going pretty frequently and have observed many things while at the gym.
Tell me, is it necessary to stare at others while they are getting their sweat on? I find it so annoying when people stare. It is one thing to look around once in a while, but staring, seriously!
I have my usual routine, bike, treadmil, little core workout, and eliptical. I go around 8p to avoid the rush. And the gym is fairly quiet at that time. I sit down tonight on the bike and peddling like a monster, ha! There are 9 other open machines and this lady sits RIGHT next to me. Comeon now, why would you want to sit next to someone when all those other machines are open! I just want to know what people are thinking when doing that! I make a point to sit alone and not near anyone as much as possible! It is my time to work out and be all sweaty, I don't need someone sitting next to me huffin and puffin! Ugh!
Hm. What else have I noticed? Tonight this girl was on the stair machine thing, totally trying to look sexy while exercising! I only noticed her cuz she would like make the major movements and swinger her hips, staring in the mirror, and constantly looking behind her for someone to see her! Seriously!! (Okay this involved me to stare at her, but ugh I was sooooo bothered!) Who goes to the gym to show off? I am sure people do, but I would like to enjoy going to the gym just to work out. Period. I don't need others making my gym experience crummy!
Well that is all! Anyone else have crummy gym stories? I would love to hear about them ha! Miss you all and see you in a month!
Tell me, is it necessary to stare at others while they are getting their sweat on? I find it so annoying when people stare. It is one thing to look around once in a while, but staring, seriously!
I have my usual routine, bike, treadmil, little core workout, and eliptical. I go around 8p to avoid the rush. And the gym is fairly quiet at that time. I sit down tonight on the bike and peddling like a monster, ha! There are 9 other open machines and this lady sits RIGHT next to me. Comeon now, why would you want to sit next to someone when all those other machines are open! I just want to know what people are thinking when doing that! I make a point to sit alone and not near anyone as much as possible! It is my time to work out and be all sweaty, I don't need someone sitting next to me huffin and puffin! Ugh!
Hm. What else have I noticed? Tonight this girl was on the stair machine thing, totally trying to look sexy while exercising! I only noticed her cuz she would like make the major movements and swinger her hips, staring in the mirror, and constantly looking behind her for someone to see her! Seriously!! (Okay this involved me to stare at her, but ugh I was sooooo bothered!) Who goes to the gym to show off? I am sure people do, but I would like to enjoy going to the gym just to work out. Period. I don't need others making my gym experience crummy!
Well that is all! Anyone else have crummy gym stories? I would love to hear about them ha! Miss you all and see you in a month!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
And a month later...
So it has been another month before I wrote anything, my bad! And I really haven't been all that busy, more like not interested in typing I guess! But here I am, so enjoy!
Nothing too exciting has been going on! Last week Briahna had her first dentist appointment. She has 12 perfectly healthy teeth! She was so well behaved for the dentist, I was so proud! There was this stuffed dino there, and she kept growling at it! It was too cute! She is growing and talking as usual. Her new thing is "Your welcome" after I say thank you. She has a pretty broad vocabulary in English and Vietnamese. She is soo smart! Love it! :D
Tuan and I both had dentist appts. this week also. Tuan has to get is wisdom teeth removed at the end of the week, and I have cavities! How crummy huh! But apparently they don't have flouride in the water here, and the dentist said that it really does make a big difference without it! So I guess we will be buying our water from now on! I have been working quite a bit, trying to save up for our trip home! Speaking of that, only one month until we are in the states! So excited! I should really start getting ready for that! I know it will come faster than I think!
The other day I took Briahna to this place called Yabadoo with Jess and her 3 kids. It is a giant indoor play area thing. (kinda of like DZ Discovery Zone that they used to have in Cloud if anyone remembers!) She had a did mommy! They have things that the parents can do to join in the fun! ha! Today Briahna and I went over to my friend Melinda's for a little playdate with the girls. They have so much fun together, love it! :D hM ya... Jess watched Bri on Monday while I was working and took Bri to eat there. I couldn't believe again how well behaved she was.... why don't they do that at home!!
But yea, anyways! Not too much else is going on! Just been working, hanging out with friends and kicking it at home! I have been getting to the gym a bit too, but not lately! I have been sooo hungry and tired lately it is insane! but oh well...ill get back in the groove soon!
Well I really do miss everyone back home! I'm horrible at keeping in touch lately, I will try to be better! Hope all is well in the states! Please e-mail me with updates on all of u! love to hear from you guys!
Oh ya, I just got this addiction to Jackets! I have gotten 4 in the last 2 months...seriously! I love them in dif patterns and colors! Just thought i'd share that with ya hahaha!
Ill be seeing all of u soon! Be in CA March 5-19 and in MN March 19-31! Keep some free time open! :D
Sunday, January 18, 2009
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