I just want to start out by saying how happy I have been in the last few weeks! I must say it feels wonderfuL! There are still things that aren't always so great, but the good things definitely overcome the bad! :D
So what is new with us? Well Tuan and I are now proud parents of the smartest 2-year-old EVER! Yes I am sure she is the smartest! She turned 2 last Wednesday the 24th! I can't believe it has been 2 years! This little girl has been around the world and back again! Tuan and I took her to Legoland Duetschland in Gunzburg. It was about a 3 hour drive! Long but we all enjoyed it! We stayed in a small German hotel. Cute but way overpriced! Legoland was pretty cool! Every statue was built from legos! They had a few rides and what not, I guess we probably enjoyed itmore than Briahna did!
(below- Briahna and I on this ride that goes in circles...we assumed it was have went slow...YEA RIGHT! That ride made me sick! )
Today (Wednesday) and the last few days have been soo hot! You know how I need that AC! But since the Germans don't believe in that, Im stuck with fans! I bought one yesterday, set it up, and all night long heard a clicking sound! UGH I returned that asap this morning and got a new one! :D Earlier today we went to Tuan's family day at work! It was like a buffet type of all the different nations foods! Tuan was in heaven with all the food they had! I hav
e been battling a sickness for the past few days so I wasn't all for it, but it was fun to see where and who he works with! We also met General Brady, a 4-star! Tuan talks about him all the time! He is in charge of...something..ha not sure what exactly!
So anyone else watch Grey's Anatomy...addicting! I am just starting the 4th season! Uh.. love it!
Below--Briahna opening her gifts from her birthday! Nothing special, but I did it up Elmo style! Thanks to those who sent her gifts/cards in the mail! We appreciate them! :D
My blogs are always so random, I always think I have so much to write, but than once I sit down and write, I forget or end up rambling on about other things! :D Well, once I remember more, I will definitely write another! Miss and love all of you! Oh yea, comment me if you would like to view my photos at snapfish! I will send you an invite! Be home in August! SEe you all soon! :D
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