We arrived in California on March 5. We spent the weekend spending time with Tuan's mom and Feets and VA. We did a little shopping and out to eat for the most part. Nothing to exciting. We also took Briahna to Disneyland and the Long Beach aquarium. She definitely enjoyed them! We took Vincent out for his 16th birthday to the Cheesecake factory. (Best cheesecake ever by the way) Briahna spent alot of time with Tho (Tuan's mom), while we just hung out around the area. We went to the swap meet where Bri wanted the ugliest baby doll. Of course we got it for her!
Going backwards, our plane ride went fairly well. However, our flight attendents were HORRIBLE. We landed in Michigan and our flight was delayed. So you know, after already flying for 9 hours, who wants to wait?! So we finally got on the next flight to Cali...They said it would take 5 hours....WRONG...it ended up taking 6 and half hours!! Are you kidding me! IT was insane...

Here is Tuan and I after our LONG plane rides to Cali.
Hm. What else is there to talk about... We did alot more but thos will come in another blog with other pictures. Oh ya, we went to Venice beach. SOOO not a place for children. Homeless people on one side, crappy crap on sale on the other side...oh and don't forget the cloud of weed smoke in the air! I am sure I would have appreciated it more if I wasn't a mother... I remember having to use the restroom and totally walked in on some dude pullin up his pants...EW! HE came out mumbling something...creepy! I fina lly walked in and wanted to vomit! The floor was covered in everything you can imagine...UH... Ill probably NEVER go there again! No thanks!
Here is Feets, VA, Tuan, and I eating at Rockin' Crawfish...soooo good! That is one thing we miss here in Germany, no seafood anywhere!
We were pretty busy in Cali, but I guess I am forgetting alot... or just no room for more pictures! :D Ill add another blog shortly!
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