This month was spent being much more busy than any other month yet! Briahna started pre-school at a school in Germany. She attends 2 days a week from 9a-3p. She absolutely loves it! She has learned so much in the short time she has been there! I was offered a job at the Service Credit Union on base. Tuan was busy working, driving, and hanging out! We had Thanksgiving over at our house with some of Tuan's foreign friends. We wanted to show them a typical American Thanksgiving. They seemed to definitately enjoy the food, however they don't eatlike Americans.

I was so excited for the holidays, but this year, I had seemed to be extremely home-sick. I missed home more than ever! We made it though, we celebrated Christmas Eve at home with just the 3 of us, and had friends over for dinner on Christmas Day. The kiddos had a good time and Briahna was spoiled as always. Just want to thank everyone who send cards/gifts this year! We always love a little something from home! I started working at the Credit Union at the beginning of the month, and it seems to be going okay. Hm, Tuan and I babysat a few kids, and I was hoping it would cure his desire for another baby...but did that blow up in my face or what! That just made him want MORE! :D Sooner than later I guess! Anyways, It was another busy month with work, school, and such! Tuan and I spent NYE together, didn't do anything special, but had some time without Briahna! She is such a joy, but sure can be busy!! :D Tuan had 2 free weeks of leave, he got to catch up on his quality time with briahna while I was busy training at work!
As I was uploading pictures, I totally forgot about some things we did in december! Briahna had her first school program, her class sand Rudolph! It was too cute! :D We attened Tuan's holiday party for NATO. Needless to say, we were about the only American's there. There were families from the UK, Germany, Czech, and Belgium. It's pretty cool to meet people from other countries.
On with the new year:
January 2010:
Last year was good, let's hope 2010 is better! We started off the year with the same old stuff, work, school, and Briahna! We have a coupld trips planned in the next coming months, a trip to Garmish (An army resort in the Alps) and hopefully a trip to Paris, England, and A-dam! That's all I ask :D.

Recently I have been thinking about how absolutley blessed we are. We have more than most people could ask for. I can't help but think about the terrible things going on in the world today. I am so blessed we are where we are. I pray that everyone stay's safe, healthy, and happy! I hope that those dealing with tragedy, illness, and any other unfortunate events can find happiness and know that in the end, things will be okay. All we can do is live each daY to it's fullest and strive for excellence in all that we do!
And that's about as much as I have to say for now, I will do my best to keep updates coming more frequently! Thanks to those who read and continue to check for updates! :D
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