It sure is raining! Woke up this morning to find my car covered in solid ice, and almost lost my face when I slipped on the sidewalk. I wasn't happy at all! I was already running late to get Briahna to school on time, and of course I couldn't really hurry, as it was extremely icey! I started driving, the main roads seemed fine, but as soon as I enetered the village of Mackenbach, it was a whole different story. I got towards the center of town and had to turn around due to road closure. So I took the long way to school, I was pretty much driving on pure ice, as they don't plow side roads in Germany. I was coming up on a hill, I started slipping and the wheels were spinning! Yikes! I was a bit nervous, but kept going. Briahna's school sits on a hill, so as I was approaching the hill, I see a line of cars all trying to truck it up the hill. Needless to say, after 10 minutes of waiting, I asked someone if they were open (they were) but I wasn't going to slip my way up the hill just to drop her off. I turned around, and drove my ass home. And about 20 mins later, they cancelled school.

The current road conditions are BLACK. Which really means "stay home and don't drive, forget any plans you had today." They closed the gates to the base, so no one is going on or coming off. So here I am, stuck at home! :D Basically on stand-by if work decides to open today.
On a brighter note, I think Tuan's mom is coming to visit us in March! I am excited to have visitors finally! She is super excited to see Briahna! :D And I am super excited to finally travel! I am hoping to visit Paris, England, A-dam, and a few places in Germany while she is here! Yay!
Oh I forgot, Briahna when pee in the potty yesterday! it is the second time she has done it for me at home! She does it at school sometimes too, but she still isn't quite ready! I am definitely not going to force her until she is really ready. I'm not a fan of washing blankets EVERY day!

Briahna is my little artist! I bought her a small art desk after Christmas! she loves it! She loves drawing pictures for Nana and Granpa! She is also a fan of painting and playdough! Soon I'll get her into some more advance artsy stuff, but for now, I'll stick to the crayons! She tends to make a big ol' mess that this mama doesn't like to clean! :D