I hope everyone had a great holiday break! It was my first Christmas away from the family. Sad! But we made it out to be pretty good. Just want to thank all those who sent us gifts in the mail, we saved them all for Christmas day. Loved everything! :D Briahna was spoiled this year! She got tons of gifts from us, Santa, and others. She loves her toys though! She got so many books, she can never decide on just one to read! She is growing and talking more and more! Her new favorite word lately is "no". Who knew it would come back to bite us in the butt... She is very smart for her age as well, she definately outsmarts her parents ha!
During break, I totally didn't go to the gym at all, not even once! We spent soo much time sleeping in and watching movies and series of tv shows. Currently I am watching Ugly Betty, LOST, and That 70s Show. We finished Nip/Tuck a while ago. That show is disgusting but we had to keep watching!
Today Tuan finally went back to work and we are getting back into the swing of things!! I have a hair appt this week for a new cut! Can't decide what length and what color! I need a change from my blondness. The hair is totally making me act like a blonde ha! :D I got back into the groove of going to the gym so that helps me out.. I need to fit into my clothes again!
For New Years, we just stayed in. A friend of mine came over for the midnight deal. We just watched the fireworks outside our house. They go crazy with the firworks, from like midnight-2am nonstop! It was cool tho, than we just watched a movie and hung out with some beers ha.
We recently had our one year anniversary! Who knew it would go by soo fast! We had a babysitter, but just went shopping and out to eat in K-town. Got some cute clothes and new warm jacket for super cheap! I am addicted to shopping and online shopping! it is a bad habit! ha!
I was planning on going to visit Molly, but I may have to wait until Summer when it gets to be a bit cheaper and I can visit for longer! I miss her...well I miss everyone but ya!
I am still working alot at Chili's and making money for our trip home in March. We are saving for a nice hotel and hopefully a trip to Vegas! With the way my tips have been, we will def be going to Vegas! :D So yea... I will be making a slideshow of pictures for you guys to see! Love and miss you all! Sorry I just blabbed on...nothing to exciting! hopefully something more exciting will come along!
1 comment:
hey girl, it was so cool to see your update, yep, I am on Krissy's 'puter. It was fun to chat with you the other day too. You were missed during the holidays so don't worry we didn't forget you and yours. we are getting excited about you visiting in March or so. Your mama is getting a bit jazzed too. I think she has the count almost down to the hour. Baby girl sure is looking so cute and full of little mischevious urchins. Where did that trait come from?hmmmm..... I had better go and thanks so much for the figurines, they are adorable. Love yA, Debbie
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