The picture of Briahna (Granny Bri) was yesterday (Aug. 30). I tried 3 times to get it to flip and keeps uploading it sideways. She loves carrying purses!
Well sadly, our little Huyndai went to the garbage. The transmission went out after only 2 weeks of having! Some crooks sold it to us!
So we are in the process of getting a new car! Yay! Ill post a pic later and suprise ya! ha!
The stinky German deoderant--->
I got a job!!!! Im going to wait tables at Chillis! Ya! I was offered a few other jobs but this one paid the most plus Tips.. so I HAD to take this one..who wouldn't!
I am still hoping to get a better job for what I am actually going to school for. Speaking of that, I am takin an online class this semester and will take onemore next semester and graduate. Than hopefully start up again in the fall of 09 for Health Administration! But we will see how that goes.
Well what else can i say? We went out to eat at this suuper good mexican place last night. But it was soo expensive! (cuz the dollar is so weak on the dollar) But it was nice to get out! Well i hope every one is doing well! miss all of you! have a good Labor day weekend!
Oh p.S. She hasn't had a bottle for 3 days... it is going well but still cries! Any ideas on how to get her to nap without a bottle or something?!
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