I gave birth to the most amazing little girl ever! B turned 4 on the 24th of June! I honestly can not believe it has been 4 years! She has grown and changed so much! Her little personality is really starting to shine! Her knowledge, her skills, her presence is just unbelievably amazing! Who knew that in just 4 short years, a tiny little human being can go from 8 lbs. 21" knowing not much more than how to eat, pee, poop, and cry all the way to 35 Lbs and well over 3ft tall with a mouth full of words, self-care, hygeine, how to write, and a wild imaginitation! It just blows my mind!
At 4 years old, B has been to more places than most people have been in the adult life! She's been a travelin little bug! She's been to California multiple times, Texas, Arizona, Germany, Netherlands, numerous layovers in Detroit, South Carolina, Las Vegas, etc. And if you wanna get specific, she was "Made in Korea"! I hope to take her many more places and be sure she knows there is more out there than small town Minnesota!
She began preschool at age 2! She learned to write her name at early age 3! She can count in Enlish, Spanish, German, andVietnamese. She is bilingual in English and Vietnamese! I also hope to have the Vietnamese culture be a part of her life as well! I want her to be as diverse as possible! I want her to experience all that she can! She deserves nothing but the best!
Happy Birthday B! We love you and can't wait to watch you continue to grow and learn and amaze us all! :)