than my dad! My dad graced us with his presence in Germany last Friday. This week has come and gone faster than I thought, but him being here was just what I needed! My dad was here at the perfect time to talk me through the most diffucult time in my life. And when I say difficult, I don't mean it as in having a tough life. Just a hard spot that I need to get past, harder then anything I have ever had to deal with. Blah!
On a good note, my dad and I got to explore Germany and Amsterdam this week! :) Minus the BITTER cold, it was a sight to see for sure! :) We visited Anne Franks house, walked the Red Light District, took a trip to Speyer, Trier, and Berlin. If you haven't been, you should! Berlin is an amazing city with amazing shopping, sights, and food! :) Pictures to come soon!
Christmas is coming soon! Another holiday away from home will be tough, but so soon we will be back in Minnesota! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Oh November...
You have come and gone so unbelievably fast! I guess it is true when they say, "time flies when you're having a good time." Okay so you aren't over just yet, but in one more day, you will be. It will be December. WHAT? November was a busy month, basically full of working and planning Thanksgiving and planning my dad's trip! He will be here on Friday! Yes in 4 days! Can not wait at all for him to be here! :)
I am sad to say that the weather will be miserable when he is here! It's been snowing for the past few days! It's so pretty and not too cold, but it's like snow in California. NO ONE knows how to deal with it. Being from Minnesota, it is nothing to have snow or slush on the roads and EVERYTHING, yes EVERYTHING, remains open! Well when it snows here, apparently EVERYTHING, yes EVERYTHING, needs to close. So I am out of work tonight because of the snow! They closed the gym, and many other places on base. So now what am I doing? Watching T play a new MJ game in the Wii. (His new purchase, a Wii). Please save me! :)
I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving! I am so thankful for all I have been blessed with in life, the good and the bad! I was glad to spend it with my family and a few friends, but can not wait to spend the next holiday back home in Minnesota! :)
I'll have a better update soon with some new photos! :) Miss and love everyong!
I am sad to say that the weather will be miserable when he is here! It's been snowing for the past few days! It's so pretty and not too cold, but it's like snow in California. NO ONE knows how to deal with it. Being from Minnesota, it is nothing to have snow or slush on the roads and EVERYTHING, yes EVERYTHING, remains open! Well when it snows here, apparently EVERYTHING, yes EVERYTHING, needs to close. So I am out of work tonight because of the snow! They closed the gym, and many other places on base. So now what am I doing? Watching T play a new MJ game in the Wii. (His new purchase, a Wii). Please save me! :)
I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving! I am so thankful for all I have been blessed with in life, the good and the bad! I was glad to spend it with my family and a few friends, but can not wait to spend the next holiday back home in Minnesota! :)
I'll have a better update soon with some new photos! :) Miss and love everyong!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Something along the lines of busy.
Who doesn't love the joy of being busy? A busy mind is a happy mind my dad always says! And he couldn't be more right! Being busy and accomplishing small tasks and errands gives you a feeling of accomplishment! Even if it is simply finishing your grocery shopping in less then an hour or depositing an extra $10 into the savings account or even scrubbing the bathtub we know we all like to avoid. Needless to say, I have been so dang busy and absolutely loving it! :)
Aside from being so busy and becoming exhausted, I believe I finally got my sleeping schedule back to semi-normal! Going to sleep at an almost decent hour and NOT sleeping my day away, Bri couldn't be happier to have a mommy who is wide awake in the morning with her! :) No I don't sleep all day when she is here, but for a while there, I spent a majority of the morning on the couch watching cartoons with her! But as of late, we made a change to that!
Haven't had many new updates, other than the fact that we are leaving in March, going to be stationed in Texas. Yep, Fort Hood Texas, here we come! Can't say I am excited at all, but ready to leave the KMC and see some family! And no, not planning on visiting MN before we head to Texas. I'm a bit bitter on visiting everyone in MN and slightly disappointed. So we're not going to talk about that! :p But speaking of traveling, we have a lot planned for our last few months in Europe! My daddy is coming soon, booked a trip to Amsterdam, and in the process of booking a trip to Berlin and Munich! So excited! My sister is coming in January and we plan to take a trip to London and Italy, and a few smaller ones along the way!:) YA!
My sweet baby B, whom isn't a baby anymore, is getting so dang big! We celebrated Halloween last week, she had an absolute blast! She was a little pirate! I'll postpictures when I get them uploaded! T and I got to spend the night out as well, I was Peter Pan and he was Clark Kent! We definitely had a good time! Next big party out, NEW YEARS! Hoping for a trip to Prague or Paris! Yay!
I suposse this is getting long, We'll see when I get back on here to update this blog! It was a while since the last one, perhaps I'll be back soon to upload some photos! Hope you all have a wonderful week! Happy November everyone!
Aside from being so busy and becoming exhausted, I believe I finally got my sleeping schedule back to semi-normal! Going to sleep at an almost decent hour and NOT sleeping my day away, Bri couldn't be happier to have a mommy who is wide awake in the morning with her! :) No I don't sleep all day when she is here, but for a while there, I spent a majority of the morning on the couch watching cartoons with her! But as of late, we made a change to that!
Haven't had many new updates, other than the fact that we are leaving in March, going to be stationed in Texas. Yep, Fort Hood Texas, here we come! Can't say I am excited at all, but ready to leave the KMC and see some family! And no, not planning on visiting MN before we head to Texas. I'm a bit bitter on visiting everyone in MN and slightly disappointed. So we're not going to talk about that! :p But speaking of traveling, we have a lot planned for our last few months in Europe! My daddy is coming soon, booked a trip to Amsterdam, and in the process of booking a trip to Berlin and Munich! So excited! My sister is coming in January and we plan to take a trip to London and Italy, and a few smaller ones along the way!:) YA!
My sweet baby B, whom isn't a baby anymore, is getting so dang big! We celebrated Halloween last week, she had an absolute blast! She was a little pirate! I'll postpictures when I get them uploaded! T and I got to spend the night out as well, I was Peter Pan and he was Clark Kent! We definitely had a good time! Next big party out, NEW YEARS! Hoping for a trip to Prague or Paris! Yay!
I suposse this is getting long, We'll see when I get back on here to update this blog! It was a while since the last one, perhaps I'll be back soon to upload some photos! Hope you all have a wonderful week! Happy November everyone!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
I heart my daddy...
December 3rd can not come fast enough! Just booked my daddy's tickets! He's coming to visit us for 10 days!!!! AH can't freaking wait! I am so excited to plan an amazing trip for him! It will be cold as can be, but we're hopefully going to go to Berlin, Munich, Normandy, and Amsterdam! And yes, totally possible! Everything is within close distance which is perfect! :) AH yayayaya! That is all! :)
Friday, October 22, 2010
My toes are cold...
It's that time of year again! Fall made it's appearance early September with the changing of the leaves and piles on the ground! And of course we can't forget the bitter chill in the air! It is quite cold out as of late, we had our first frost a few weeks ago! I'm NOT ready for winter to begin what-so-ever! But fall in Germany is absolutely beautiful! It's like what you would see in a movie and it's so peaceful! I can deal with fall for while before the winter comes! I am anticipating winter this year though, for good reason! I will finally have some visitors! My daddy is coming in the beginning of December and my sister in January! :) I couldn't be more excited! I can't wait to plan some fun trips and travel a bit before we make our departure from Germany!
We recently recieved a phone call. It's one of those calls that will completely change everything! T was brough up on orders to leave Germany much sooner than we had expected! We planned to be here until July 2011, but the Army has other plans for us! So what does this mean? We will be leaving Europe in March 2011! Seems far away, but that's only 4+ months away! NOT LONG AT ALL! We have lots of traveling, planning, and packing to do! As far as my plans for the military and school, getting put on the back burner yet again! Hoping something works out sooon!
What does this mean for everyone else? YOU NEED TO COME VISIT BEFORE WE LEAVE! Tickets are still very reasonable! And I promise it will be worth EVERY penny! :)
Here is a photo if T and I finished our first 5k together! It was the Breast Cancer awareness run! Over 600 people showed up to run! T and I finished in about 33 minutes! not bad for our first race! Can't wait to run another! :)
Hope everyone is enjoying October! Be back later for another update!
We recently recieved a phone call. It's one of those calls that will completely change everything! T was brough up on orders to leave Germany much sooner than we had expected! We planned to be here until July 2011, but the Army has other plans for us! So what does this mean? We will be leaving Europe in March 2011! Seems far away, but that's only 4+ months away! NOT LONG AT ALL! We have lots of traveling, planning, and packing to do! As far as my plans for the military and school, getting put on the back burner yet again! Hoping something works out sooon!
What does this mean for everyone else? YOU NEED TO COME VISIT BEFORE WE LEAVE! Tickets are still very reasonable! And I promise it will be worth EVERY penny! :)
Here is a photo if T and I finished our first 5k together! It was the Breast Cancer awareness run! Over 600 people showed up to run! T and I finished in about 33 minutes! not bad for our first race! Can't wait to run another! :)
Hope everyone is enjoying October! Be back later for another update!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
I heart Germany!
I am back, and it's time for an update! :) As I was doing a bit of soul searching, I realized how dang hard it is to be an "alledged" adult. Life as a child or even a teenager were so easy! This whole being an "alledged" adult is killing me. All these things that need taking care of, all these people who depend on me, the need to make money, and many other things are sitting, or shall I say, stacked on my plate these days. So aside from that moment of complaining, there isn't one single thing I would change! Staying busy with things needing to get done keeps me in check. Of course I need to write EVERY thing down so I don't forget! And having people depend on me is most definitely difficult, but it's a lovely feeling knowing you helped someone out or did your best to fulfill their needs. Oh and making money, luckily, I love to work. I got myself back on 5 days at the restaurant, start working at B's school tomorrow, AND started part-time baysitting some kiddos! It all helps our family in the end! :)
So here I am, busy as can possibly be! It's an amazing feeling! Of course I enjoy being lazy once in a while, but would rather have 6 busy days and 1 lazy day!
Couple other updates:
-B is recovering from a pretty nasty cold. I've never wiped her poor nose so much! :( Because of the recal, I can't even give her tylenol!
-I registered for my first 5k on Friday! I can NOT wait to run it! I am so excited to get out there and run! My goal isto run it in less than 40 minutes, secretly hoping for 35! I have been practicing, and with my adrenaline on high speed, it should happen! Wish me luck!
-T has been busy working! We spent the weekend hang out as a family! We went to the Stuttgart Beer Fest on Sunday, such an awesome day!
-Our friends from the states who are stationed here in Bamburg are hopefully coming to visit! It will be soo nice to see familiar faces!
Above: Bri's first day of soccer!
Me chowing down on a Doner Kebab. Europe's version of Chipotle I suppose! :) AMAZING!
One of the beer tents (more like a shed) at the Stuttgart Volksfest.
Corn on the Cob stand :)
Bri clapping to the German band that was playing! The German's get wild! :) I'm not sure what to compare it to, possibly a big county fair, but ten times BETTER! :) The beer fests are beyond fun, and the food and beer are amazing!
Our little family! We found a nice table and enjoyed our beer, sausages, pretzels, and pommes (fries). Quite tastey!
B on one of the kiddo rides. Most of them for her size are typically the same! It cost about 2 Euro to ride, which is about $2.30. Expensive, yes!
Some Germans we met in the beer line! They were friendly and drunk!
View of the Volksfest from the HUGE Ferris Wheel! It was so pretty looking over the city! :)
-That's it for body is tired and needs some rest! Enjoy the photos! :)
Oh and please come visit!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
I just got off the phone with Ms. Kelly from the Aveda Institute! I am that much closer to making a decision about what to do next! The school sounds lovely, and what better way to spend a career, making women look and feel beautiful! :) At the moment, I am most interested in skin and makeup, but I also want to have the ability to cut/color/style hair!
That's it for now! hope everyone has a great weekend!
But I can't commit just yet, in November, T finds out where or what we do next as far as moving stateside or staying in Germany! And as of right now, I am hoping to stay in Germany for a few more years. That gives me time to get my schooling and possibly back into the military without having to deal with a huge move in there.
T comes home tomorrow!!! :) He has been gone for too long, and this momma needs a breaK!
B knocked me in the chin with her head today, probably the most pain my chin has ever felt! Yes, tears were involved! :(
I am waiting for my hockey gear to get here so I can start playing hockey again!
Talked to the recruiter, need one more paper and my re-enlistment process begins (that is if I can chose my job)!
I miss my family and friends back home more than ever, these pase few weeks have been rough! I think I have possibly convinced a few to come visit soon! :) SO let's pray that they can!
Friday, September 10, 2010
I was right.
I am crazy. After I wrote my last blog, I read some of my old posts back through June. I am probably the most random person ever. I have all these different posts and different things I want to do or am interested in. What! I make myself laugh a bit. But I believe that CRAZY is the new thing. If you're not constantly on the go and busy with life, what are you freaking doing! :)
That is all.
That is all.
Could I be?
Crazy? Possibly. I seem to be feeling this way lately. As in, I have ALL of these ideas and dreams and plans, and accomplishing them ALL is what I want to do. But seriously, I have things from ALL over. So give you a small idea of what I am thinkin...I applied to UMUC (possibly a degree in biology). I applied to the Aveda Institute (cosmetology, hopefully specializing in make-up). I am signing up for the Dental Assistant program through the Red Cross (a 7 month program and a job as a dental hygenist). I just volunteered to be the assistant coach to the kiddo's soccer team as well. And I also applied at B's school to be a substitute teacher. Nope, that isn't all. But I will spare everyone my crazyness. But seriously, what am I thinking? I am not sure at all. However, I am SO excited to every single one of those things I listed. And I am determined to accomplish as much as possible! :) I need to. I have to. Period.
Tomorrow is the Opening Day Ceremony for the Ramstein Sports! So excited, B gets to be in a parade and we get to spend the day watching soccer, playing on the bouncy castles, and if we get done early enough, heading to the Bad Durkhiem Wine Fest! I hear it's lovely, and can NOT wait to go! If that fails, their is the Stadtfest in Landstuhl this weekend as well, so we'll make it one of them for sure! T is still at school, can't wait for him to come back! This momma needs a breaK! We all know B's energy level, and it definitely doesn't slow down from the moment she hops out of bed (no later than 8am) to the moment I put her back in her bed (no earlier than 9pm). So you can understand how I feel, imagine a toddler hyped up on skittles, ALL day long. (and no, I don't actually give her skittles, she just has that much energy!) But I love it, and wouldn't trade if for the world! :) She makes me smile, earlier today she told me, "Mom, I'm so proud of you!" I think I had a tear or two!
Well that's it for now, hope everyone has a great weekend! Love you aLL!
Tomorrow is the Opening Day Ceremony for the Ramstein Sports! So excited, B gets to be in a parade and we get to spend the day watching soccer, playing on the bouncy castles, and if we get done early enough, heading to the Bad Durkhiem Wine Fest! I hear it's lovely, and can NOT wait to go! If that fails, their is the Stadtfest in Landstuhl this weekend as well, so we'll make it one of them for sure! T is still at school, can't wait for him to come back! This momma needs a breaK! We all know B's energy level, and it definitely doesn't slow down from the moment she hops out of bed (no later than 8am) to the moment I put her back in her bed (no earlier than 9pm). So you can understand how I feel, imagine a toddler hyped up on skittles, ALL day long. (and no, I don't actually give her skittles, she just has that much energy!) But I love it, and wouldn't trade if for the world! :) She makes me smile, earlier today she told me, "Mom, I'm so proud of you!" I think I had a tear or two!
Well that's it for now, hope everyone has a great weekend! Love you aLL!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I turned the big ol' 24 last weekend! I had an amazing weekend with some pretty amazing people! I want to thank all those who helped me celebrate, and wished my hubby could have been there as well!
Anyways, a short little update. I applied for school again. I applied at the University of Maryland and 2 beauty schools, Aveda Institue and Beauty Base London. I am super interested in make-up and want to try it out. We shall see! I am still waiting for my military papers to come so I can see if I can get back into the Army. I kind of need something right now. I am in a funk, a funk of nothingness. blah!
B started school last week, she absolutely loves it! And I love the break I get at home! She is getting bigger and smarter every day! Love her!
And i'm not in the mood to write anything else. Maybe later! night all!
Anyways, a short little update. I applied for school again. I applied at the University of Maryland and 2 beauty schools, Aveda Institue and Beauty Base London. I am super interested in make-up and want to try it out. We shall see! I am still waiting for my military papers to come so I can see if I can get back into the Army. I kind of need something right now. I am in a funk, a funk of nothingness. blah!
B started school last week, she absolutely loves it! And I love the break I get at home! She is getting bigger and smarter every day! Love her!
And i'm not in the mood to write anything else. Maybe later! night all!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Certain vs. Uncertain
I am absolutely certain that this week has been just amazing. My baby started school again on Tuesday and had an amazing time. She gets so excited everytime we talk about it. Her teachers are lovely and I am certain she will be the smartest little one in the class! She is certainly going to love soccer when it starts next week. Everyday this week has certainly been exciting and full of blessings ALL day long.
I am certain that I got the cutest early birthday suprise from T and B the otherday! Party favors and all! T made dinner and brownies, told B to sing me "Happy Birthday", and even YouTubed a video to learn how to make party hats! :) I couldn't be happier! Thanks babe!
I am uncertain how to deal with being a perfectionist. I read this book last year about being a pefectionist and never realized how much of a perfectionist I really am. My biggest uncertainty this week has been battling the way I feel leaving the house each day. It takes everything I have to walk out of the house knowing that my make-up or clothing are imperfect. Of course I don't go to the extreme and take hours to make perfection, but I do fret about it constantly when something ISN'T perfect. Anyways, this book gives me tips on how to deal with imperfections. It is one of the hardest things I have had to deal with in a long while. But I am certain that I will overcome this perfectionism with a bit of dedication and concentration on the important things. The new song, "Just the way you are" by Bruno Mars, has secretly built my confidence by a million! :) YouTube it!
Another possible uncertainty: My birthday is on Saturday, the 4th. I am uncertain on whether or not I should be excited that I am going to be 24 years old...or young. As of late, I am dreading the fact that I am getting older. I get tired easily and I definitely don't have the same ideas of "fun" as those whom I am surrounded my on a daily basis. I do suppose being older isn't a bad thing. I have gained a great amount of maturity and responsibility. I am certain of this for sure.
And my last, most important uncertainty is dealing with the military and TDY. T left on Tuesday for TDY. I am so busy and tired that I barely noticed he was gone. :( He is gone for 3 weeks this time. A new challenge for B and I. Dealing with our daily lives with out our main man! I most certainly take all the things he does for granted when he is here. I have a pile of dishes in the kitchen, trash bags piled up, and an empty bed upstairs. I am certain B misses him and that we want him back ASAP!
BTW: It is 2:50 a.m. I miss my husband, can't sleep, and have too much on my mind to write it all down! Oh and I am listening to my boy Bruno! :) I hope everyone has a great Labor day weekend! I am about to spend my Birthday with some amazing ladies, B, and enjoy myself to the fullest this weekend! Miss you all!
I am absolutely certain that this week has been just amazing. My baby started school again on Tuesday and had an amazing time. She gets so excited everytime we talk about it. Her teachers are lovely and I am certain she will be the smartest little one in the class! She is certainly going to love soccer when it starts next week. Everyday this week has certainly been exciting and full of blessings ALL day long.
I am certain that I got the cutest early birthday suprise from T and B the otherday! Party favors and all! T made dinner and brownies, told B to sing me "Happy Birthday", and even YouTubed a video to learn how to make party hats! :) I couldn't be happier! Thanks babe!
I am uncertain how to deal with being a perfectionist. I read this book last year about being a pefectionist and never realized how much of a perfectionist I really am. My biggest uncertainty this week has been battling the way I feel leaving the house each day. It takes everything I have to walk out of the house knowing that my make-up or clothing are imperfect. Of course I don't go to the extreme and take hours to make perfection, but I do fret about it constantly when something ISN'T perfect. Anyways, this book gives me tips on how to deal with imperfections. It is one of the hardest things I have had to deal with in a long while. But I am certain that I will overcome this perfectionism with a bit of dedication and concentration on the important things. The new song, "Just the way you are" by Bruno Mars, has secretly built my confidence by a million! :) YouTube it!
Another possible uncertainty: My birthday is on Saturday, the 4th. I am uncertain on whether or not I should be excited that I am going to be 24 years old...or young. As of late, I am dreading the fact that I am getting older. I get tired easily and I definitely don't have the same ideas of "fun" as those whom I am surrounded my on a daily basis. I do suppose being older isn't a bad thing. I have gained a great amount of maturity and responsibility. I am certain of this for sure.
And my last, most important uncertainty is dealing with the military and TDY. T left on Tuesday for TDY. I am so busy and tired that I barely noticed he was gone. :( He is gone for 3 weeks this time. A new challenge for B and I. Dealing with our daily lives with out our main man! I most certainly take all the things he does for granted when he is here. I have a pile of dishes in the kitchen, trash bags piled up, and an empty bed upstairs. I am certain B misses him and that we want him back ASAP!
BTW: It is 2:50 a.m. I miss my husband, can't sleep, and have too much on my mind to write it all down! Oh and I am listening to my boy Bruno! :) I hope everyone has a great Labor day weekend! I am about to spend my Birthday with some amazing ladies, B, and enjoy myself to the fullest this weekend! Miss you all!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
This word simply popped up in my mind today. Random, but a small emotional breakthrough. So I googled the word, and found the Serenity Prayer. I heard this quite some time ago, but it just made my day. It's so simple and so true right now with things going on in my life.
I hope you can get a little something out of this as well!
This word simply popped up in my mind today. Random, but a small emotional breakthrough. So I googled the word, and found the Serenity Prayer. I heard this quite some time ago, but it just made my day. It's so simple and so true right now with things going on in my life.
I hope you can get a little something out of this as well!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Where have you been? I have missed you more than you could ever know! I would love for you to come back and visit me at night again! We need to get down with this sleeping business! Below is a shot of me, sleeping through the entire bus tour of Belgium! :( I tried soooo hard to stay awake!
So there you have it! I have been extremely exhausted! I would so much love to sleep for more than an hour at a time! If I added the hours up that I have actually slept the past 2 weeks, it has been no more than 5 hours of actual sleep. Just can't get my mind to relax and let me sleep!
On a better note, B is my love! She is too funny and full of the business! :) The silly things she comes up with, just make my day! Today she brought me a special delivery, she told me she took the train to get it to me! :) She did get 4 more spider bites! Oh shiza! I have searched my house high and low and dusted and vaccumed, and can NOT find these spiders! It's driving me nuts! I would call an exterminater BUT they done exterminate spiders here! FML! Next step, is calling the landlord and letting him know what a POS of a house he is renting. Makes me soo frustrated! Bah!
A few shots from our trip to Belgium! Beautiful city!! :) The chocolate, waffles, and restaurants were amazing! I WILL be going back again, BUT not when there are 500,000 people there again! We went to see the Floral Carpet, a large display of flowers! We also saw some pretty neat churches and government buildings. And of course the peeing boy! :) HE was everywhere! Enjoy!
I also hosted a small SPA party other day, by my new friend, Casey. She is such a sweetheart! She sells amazing products from BeautiControl. I love it, and will be making my purchase this weekend! :) I had a few ladies over, sipped on wine, and enjoyed some yummy food! It was an excellent night and it didn't end until midnight! :) Thanks ladies!
Monday, August 16, 2010
B- "I think I have a pimple!"
Me- What? Where?
B- "Look mom! Right there, I think it's just a pimple!"
(B runs away)
Me- What? Where?
B- "Look mom! Right there, I think it's just a pimple!"
(B runs away)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
I NEEEEEED visitors...
So I was doing a bit of research, and checked on flight prices from MSP to FRA. They are pretty resonable, around $530 round-trip! So I think if anyone is interested, save a few extra bucks each month for a trip to Germany! Free place to stay and traveling to places so close, we won't need to spend a lot of money one hotels and such! Totally worth every penny for sure! :) ANYONE is welcome to come visit, esp since we probably won't be back in MN for quite some time (over a year or two for sure from now). We can also help find better air-fares if you aren't having any luck. So if anyone is interested, please let me know! :)
T and I went to Belgium yesterday, probably the most beautiful city! (We can visit there too!) It was a long, expensive day but worth it for sure! We tasted some delicious Belgium chocolates and saw some amazing structures and about 500,000 people! :p
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
T and I went to Belgium yesterday, probably the most beautiful city! (We can visit there too!) It was a long, expensive day but worth it for sure! We tasted some delicious Belgium chocolates and saw some amazing structures and about 500,000 people! :p
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Trip to Edelweiss
If this doesn't make you laugh, than you're crazy! :) Hillarious hat on Tuan at the Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany.
B with the same one! She looks pretty darn cute!
Hohenschwangau Castle in Hohenschwangau, Germany.
Neuschwantstein Castle, near Hohenschwangau,Germany. There were SO many people, it probably will be the reason I will NEVER site-see on a Saturday!
View of the Bavarian Alps on our car ride back to Garmisch. We drove through Austria to get to the Neuschwanstein Castle which is still in Germany. Weird huh! Great adventure though! We saw some of the most beautiful waterfalls and gorgeous European houses and the land out side of the city. Breath-taking for sure!
Possible Christmas card! :) Our last day at Edelweiss Lodge & Resort. Great place for military families! A MUST before your tour is up!
Cute little pink truck in Munich on our walk from the Deutches Museum.
Tiny car inside the Duetches Museum! You can see how tiny it is by comparing it to Bri's size! :) And yes, they really do drive vehivles this size! They are very economical here!
Germany is truly a wonderful place full of so many things, one could never see in the USA. I have grown to enjoy the simplicity of this country and wonderful sites it has to offer!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
My latest...
So if you religiously read my blog, you will know that I am completely random. I can definitely talk the talk, but when it comes to walking the walk, that is a whole different story.
So anyways, on the talking the talk subject, I am seriously considering re-enlisting into the Army again! I have done my research and am getting all of my paperwork in order to start the process. It isn't a for sure thing until I can find out what sort of job I can get and if it will be active duty or just the reserves. At the moment, I will only join if I can get in as a Dental Specialist and go in as a reservist. My ASVAB scores are high enough for almost any job I could think of. But if they can get me other options that are relatively close to that, I can probably deal with it. But I am not going back in as a truck driver or some other job I will hate. Dental has interested me a lot lately, and all know I can not really afford school right now without taking more loans. I am not in the mood or financially fit to do that at the moment. So joining the military again will help out with my education, as well as doing something I have always enjoyed! :) I definitely miss my uniform and drill weekends!
I guess I won't be able to update on that for at least a few months until I get all my waivers and previous military documents! So we shall see if it is even possible! But that's what I have been focusing on the past few days! :)
Tomorrow I'll have more time to post pictures from our trip and a few updates on some other stuff! Have a good week everyone!
So anyways, on the talking the talk subject, I am seriously considering re-enlisting into the Army again! I have done my research and am getting all of my paperwork in order to start the process. It isn't a for sure thing until I can find out what sort of job I can get and if it will be active duty or just the reserves. At the moment, I will only join if I can get in as a Dental Specialist and go in as a reservist. My ASVAB scores are high enough for almost any job I could think of. But if they can get me other options that are relatively close to that, I can probably deal with it. But I am not going back in as a truck driver or some other job I will hate. Dental has interested me a lot lately, and all know I can not really afford school right now without taking more loans. I am not in the mood or financially fit to do that at the moment. So joining the military again will help out with my education, as well as doing something I have always enjoyed! :) I definitely miss my uniform and drill weekends!
I guess I won't be able to update on that for at least a few months until I get all my waivers and previous military documents! So we shall see if it is even possible! But that's what I have been focusing on the past few days! :)
Tomorrow I'll have more time to post pictures from our trip and a few updates on some other stuff! Have a good week everyone!
Monday, August 9, 2010
I'm back!
We went on a mini-vacation this past weekend! It was rainy, but great! I'll post a few photos soon and share details! Hope everyone had a great weekend! :)
Saturday, July 31, 2010
We took Miss B to see Shrek 4 today! She was pretty good all the way through! It was cute for sure! Not as good as the first 2 movies, but still cute! :) We had our popcorn and soda and were set for the movie!
So now that I am back at work on the weekend, I forgot forgot forgot how shady some people can be at that place! SO I was one of the last people to have tables in the restaurant. We have someone who cleans the server stations at the end of the night, and anyone who knows how to do their job, knows that they usually need to be done again after the customers have left. Well since I will still working, I put my trash in the trash bin at that station that was already cleaned, assuming it was going to get done again. Well this ASS decided, instead of doing his required job, to dump ALL the trash on ALL of my tables. Who in their right mind things this is okay? I have never been so disrespected by someone so shady like that. How does someone even do that to another person? AND than this person comes out screaming my name from the kitchen, threatening me with more work if I don't get in the office ASAP. FOr real, where do these effing people come from and why is it necessary to speak to someone in such a demeaning manner! WTH!
And on top of that, some stupid person door dings our car today, multiple times, and obviously drives away! We spent a lot of money on our car, and not for other's to treat it like crap! I HATE people here and can not wait to leave! UGH!
Okay so I am done now. Just neeeded to get that off my chest!
Congrats to Jenn and Erin, the ONLY two who commented/followed my blog this week! I appreciate it and all thos who read my blog! :)
Hope everyone is having a better weekend than I am, but don't worry, next week will be great! We are going on out vacation to the alps! Can't waaiiit!!
So now that I am back at work on the weekend, I forgot forgot forgot how shady some people can be at that place! SO I was one of the last people to have tables in the restaurant. We have someone who cleans the server stations at the end of the night, and anyone who knows how to do their job, knows that they usually need to be done again after the customers have left. Well since I will still working, I put my trash in the trash bin at that station that was already cleaned, assuming it was going to get done again. Well this ASS decided, instead of doing his required job, to dump ALL the trash on ALL of my tables. Who in their right mind things this is okay? I have never been so disrespected by someone so shady like that. How does someone even do that to another person? AND than this person comes out screaming my name from the kitchen, threatening me with more work if I don't get in the office ASAP. FOr real, where do these effing people come from and why is it necessary to speak to someone in such a demeaning manner! WTH!
And on top of that, some stupid person door dings our car today, multiple times, and obviously drives away! We spent a lot of money on our car, and not for other's to treat it like crap! I HATE people here and can not wait to leave! UGH!
Okay so I am done now. Just neeeded to get that off my chest!
Congrats to Jenn and Erin, the ONLY two who commented/followed my blog this week! I appreciate it and all thos who read my blog! :)
Hope everyone is having a better weekend than I am, but don't worry, next week will be great! We are going on out vacation to the alps! Can't waaiiit!!
Friday, July 30, 2010
One more day...
until I close the blog candy prize. Saturday will be the last day to comment or become a follower to recieve a gift! :)
Thanks to those who do read my blog! Always a nice feeling!
So last night was "date night." It was probably the best time T and I have had out in too long! We went to see "Just Wright" and had dinner at the Sports Bar. We enjoyed each other's company, no arguing, no fighting, just a pleasant time from beginning to end! :) So wonderful!
Hope everyone had a great week and has an even better weekend!
Thanks to those who do read my blog! Always a nice feeling!
So last night was "date night." It was probably the best time T and I have had out in too long! We went to see "Just Wright" and had dinner at the Sports Bar. We enjoyed each other's company, no arguing, no fighting, just a pleasant time from beginning to end! :) So wonderful!
Hope everyone had a great week and has an even better weekend!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Who Wants It....
So I am unsure if I actually have any readers or followers, BUT I am going to do a little prize/goodie bag for the first 2 people who become a follower or post a comment to this post! Include your name and e-mail and I will get in contact with you if you are the winner!
Prize will include one of my favorite Yankee/Colonial candles and a few of my favorite European candies! :)
Also, I am getting more and more into baking sweets and cupcakes, and am looking for some new ideas, flavors, decorations, etc! If you have any ideas, please feel free to comment them! If I decide to use someone's idea, I will send them a small gift for their input!
I am just trying to get some readers/followers! I like writing for others, so far, I am writing to myself, which is always needed for sure!
Small update: T is back from TDY, not a military wife's favorite term! He was gone only for a week, but still! Let's just say I am beyond tired! He is my comfort, and when he is not there, I am not comfortable! B is so glad he is back as well, she has been acting so much better since he is home! Oh this girl's imagination just cracks me up! She is so full of the business, I love her soo much!
Oh and I finally got "DEXTER" in the mail today! If you haven't seen it, you should! Great show!
Anyways, please follow or comment to win the prize and give me some ideas!
Prize will include one of my favorite Yankee/Colonial candles and a few of my favorite European candies! :)
Also, I am getting more and more into baking sweets and cupcakes, and am looking for some new ideas, flavors, decorations, etc! If you have any ideas, please feel free to comment them! If I decide to use someone's idea, I will send them a small gift for their input!
I am just trying to get some readers/followers! I like writing for others, so far, I am writing to myself, which is always needed for sure!
Small update: T is back from TDY, not a military wife's favorite term! He was gone only for a week, but still! Let's just say I am beyond tired! He is my comfort, and when he is not there, I am not comfortable! B is so glad he is back as well, she has been acting so much better since he is home! Oh this girl's imagination just cracks me up! She is so full of the business, I love her soo much!
Oh and I finally got "DEXTER" in the mail today! If you haven't seen it, you should! Great show!
Anyways, please follow or comment to win the prize and give me some ideas!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Just Like...
"I have big feet, mama, JUST LIKE you!"
"I fart, mama, JUST LIKE daddy!"
"You poop JUST LIKE me, mama?"
"We have big ears JUST LIKE the monkeys!"
"Mama, my belly is big JUST LIKE yours!"
Me- "What color is mama's hair?"
Bri- "White, JUST LIKE grandma's!"
The wonderful JUST LIKE quotes from my beautiful B! She has these quotes on a daily..or maybe hourly...basis! She has eagle eyes and ears and know's when things are JUST LIKE something/someone else! Oh how I love her!
Oh and she just told me she wants to watch a "DDD". :) We'll work on that V in the middle!
"I fart, mama, JUST LIKE daddy!"
"You poop JUST LIKE me, mama?"
"We have big ears JUST LIKE the monkeys!"
"Mama, my belly is big JUST LIKE yours!"
Me- "What color is mama's hair?"
Bri- "White, JUST LIKE grandma's!"
The wonderful JUST LIKE quotes from my beautiful B! She has these quotes on a daily..or maybe hourly...basis! She has eagle eyes and ears and know's when things are JUST LIKE something/someone else! Oh how I love her!
Oh and she just told me she wants to watch a "DDD". :) We'll work on that V in the middle!
Just another Picnik photo I worked on today. :) More to come...
The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. ~Mark Twain
Monday, July 19, 2010
4 Small changes to Make Today
1. Your Mantra: don't worry, be happy
- Yearning to find something more, but realizing I am absolutely content with the things I have in life. I will do my best to not want so many things, but to appreciate the things I do have.
- I've always wanted a marathon. Any distance will be an incredible accomplishment.
- I'd love to...own my own CupCake business...maybe something called "Luscious Indulgence" with tastey frostings, flavours, and creatively designed cupcakes!
- I look forward to...our mini vacation to Edelweiss. Can't wait to see the alps and visit the magnificent castles of Bavaria!
- Perhaps I am feeling a bit sad or lonely since coming back from my trip to the states, however, I am going to make that change.
- I will definitely look forward to my weekly phone chats with my mom, dad, and M on Sunday nights, even if it cuts into my sleep time, those phone conversations mean the world to me!
- No more feeling lonely, I will get out of the house, meet some other moms, join play groups, and get B started in some sports activities this fall.
- Date night WILL become a routine in our weekley schedule, I miss my husband.
- I criticize other's, now knowing these criticisms come from my own personal insecurities.
- I get criticised, now knowing those criticisms come from other's own personal insecurities.
- Living my own life and doing my own thing, will help me ignore negative criticism. My skin needs a bit of toughening, but that will come from my own persistance to become a stronger person. When someone feels the need to critisize my life, they will either get an ear full or a "thanks, but no thanks."
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Oh Say Can You See...
If you aren't familiar with a movie theater on a military base, you would be suprised that before the movie begins, you stand for The National Anthem. This afternoon, T and I, took B to see "Despicable Me" today on base (a must see for sure). They began by playing the anthem before the movie. Briahna wasn't sure what was going on, she stood on her chair, looked around for a minute, and said "Mommy, I want to put my hand on my heart." She put her hand on her heart, stood there, standing proud next to her daddy at attention. :) My beautiful little girl made me so dang proud today! And I will admint, I got tears and goosebumps!
Monday, July 12, 2010
PicniK Photos...
Here is another I played around with. This is Tuan and I in Stuttgart, Germany in May at the Wilhelma Zoo and Botanical Gardens. It's supossed to be a fancy focal shot. I thought it looked pretty neat!
I am hoping to work on a few more photos! :) It's fun but a bit time consuming (mostly because I am a perfectionist).
Here is a photo I edited with the website. I love it! It's fun playing around with different colors, decorations, and such with the photos! I made this one the other night for Tuan. It is from our trip in March down the Rhine River in Germany! :) Peace is the new sign in our house! (Thank goodness it's not the middle finger! :p
I hope everyone had a great weekend! I spent the weekend working as usuaL! I have one last full week of work at the CU and than I am done! SO dang excited! I am sure I state that in all of my previous blogs! Today B and I have the day off, so we are planning to get our hair cut and possibly get some new toy ponies! :) And of course make a trip to the Commissary to get some strawberries and milk! B and I have eatin hundreds of strawberris this past week! :) Delicious!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
BLAH! how I feel right now! :( Another one of those days, just praying that tomorrow is a better one!
I hope everyone enjoyed their July 4th weekend and is enjoying their summer so far! I will have an official summer NEXT week! Yes, one week from tomrrow, I am DONE working at the credit union! I will miss my job for sure, but am ready to have my weekends back and won't have to look for babysitters anymore! I am so over that! :p
But that is it for today. Too BLAH to write anything real today. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
I hope everyone enjoyed their July 4th weekend and is enjoying their summer so far! I will have an official summer NEXT week! Yes, one week from tomrrow, I am DONE working at the credit union! I will miss my job for sure, but am ready to have my weekends back and won't have to look for babysitters anymore! I am so over that! :p
But that is it for today. Too BLAH to write anything real today. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Here is one of my first ever designed cupcakes, or something like it! :) Still in the learning process! But want to thank my mom for teaching a few tricks of the trade, I have more to post soon!
One of those days...
where nothing I do is right! UGH! Does anyone else have those days? Probably worse than any other day, the day where you feel like crumbs on the dirty kitchen floor! Of course it will be better tomorrow, but today is just not my day.
I did end up shopping, as I stated in my previous post, I don't have the ability to stop my self! But am uber excited to get my clothes in the mail!! Also went downtown, and got some cute tanks for this dang weather we are having! So hot! :) But loving the sun finally!
I don't really feel like blogging at all, but just venting a bit before I go to bed, so I can sleep in peace! :(
Anyways hope everyone else is having a GREAT day!! :)
I did end up shopping, as I stated in my previous post, I don't have the ability to stop my self! But am uber excited to get my clothes in the mail!! Also went downtown, and got some cute tanks for this dang weather we are having! So hot! :) But loving the sun finally!
I don't really feel like blogging at all, but just venting a bit before I go to bed, so I can sleep in peace! :(
Anyways hope everyone else is having a GREAT day!! :)
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy 4th!
I hope everyone has an amazing 4th of July! Great day to be an American for sure! Be sure to take a moment and thank all those past and present soldiers to have defended our freedom and brought us where we are today!
So it seems I have been missing from my blog for the past month almost! So I will just list a few things...
1. We had an amazing trip to MN visiting with family and a few friends! We got back to Germany a day late due to mechanical problems on the airplane.
2. We've been back almost 2 weeks and have been so busy with life!
3. The pool will become our life this summer.
4. I quit my job at SCU and plan to just work at Chili's so I can have more money and time off for some traveling!
5. T is busy with work and has a summer full of training, schools, and the famous road march in Nijmegen, Netherlands.
6. We planned our trip to Eidelweiss, to spend a few days together before T leaves for traning in August!
7. I have a new found love for cupcake decorating, and would love to make it a weekly habit! Pictures will be posted soon! :)
8. B turned 3 years old on the 24th of June! (No party yet, but planning one this month!)
9. I have once again become obsessed with shoes and shopping, which will definitely test my ability to control my "swiping".
10. My husband can cook! Boy oh boy, can he cook! He made us lumpia and pancit (Filipino food) tonight, delicious!
Okay, well that's it for now! I'll try to get some new photos up of our trip to MN and my awesome cupcakes!
Oh yea, if you read my blog, save up some money and come visit us!! We leave here in just a year, going who knows where! We would love some friendly faces to visit!
So it seems I have been missing from my blog for the past month almost! So I will just list a few things...
1. We had an amazing trip to MN visiting with family and a few friends! We got back to Germany a day late due to mechanical problems on the airplane.
2. We've been back almost 2 weeks and have been so busy with life!
3. The pool will become our life this summer.
4. I quit my job at SCU and plan to just work at Chili's so I can have more money and time off for some traveling!
5. T is busy with work and has a summer full of training, schools, and the famous road march in Nijmegen, Netherlands.
6. We planned our trip to Eidelweiss, to spend a few days together before T leaves for traning in August!
7. I have a new found love for cupcake decorating, and would love to make it a weekly habit! Pictures will be posted soon! :)
8. B turned 3 years old on the 24th of June! (No party yet, but planning one this month!)
9. I have once again become obsessed with shoes and shopping, which will definitely test my ability to control my "swiping".
10. My husband can cook! Boy oh boy, can he cook! He made us lumpia and pancit (Filipino food) tonight, delicious!
Okay, well that's it for now! I'll try to get some new photos up of our trip to MN and my awesome cupcakes!
Oh yea, if you read my blog, save up some money and come visit us!! We leave here in just a year, going who knows where! We would love some friendly faces to visit!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Hello Oklahoma!
Well, I am in Oklahoma! (I will update more on my trip from Minnesota later!) I traveled on the road with Molly back to her base! I wanted to check out her life-style and see what she does and where she lives. Let me just tell you, I will NEVER live here. Most definitely not in the summer, it is so hot! Even with the wind, you get a HOT breeze, instead of the typical cool breeze! But it's nice visiting my sister! We had an interesting 14 hour drive though! I learned a lot about my quirky little sister! She is growing up and it's hard for me to accept that! I want to be there to protect her and keep her from making mistakes, but I know she is an adult and needs to make those choices on her own! Gosh, I wonder how it will be when B is older too! Wow! :)
Well the main reason for my post, just wanted to jot down so of my new ideas/goals...I have really been thinking about my life lately while I have been home! I really want to find a profession/career or even a dang hobby! Well I have decided that I am going to get into cupcake decorating and possibly floral design/bouquets! I helped my mom do the flowers for my cousins wedding, and I fell in love! I think it would be just a fun hobby to do on the side, or even just to do for my own house! :) I am still researching somethings about it but we shall see!
The cupcake thing has had me hooked for quite a while! I really want to get into decorating, my mom and M are both really creative and crafty, and I think this would help me relate to them more! I have practiced decorating just a bit, with some orange-monsters (supssed to be Elmo) and tried frosting a few cakes, but yes, more practice is a must! I am really interested in makeing cupcake cakes! I googled some photos, and I want to be able to dot hat! Wish me luck! :)
Soon I will be back in Germany and will have my own kitchen to begin my baking adventure! Let's see how it goes! :) My vacation here int he US has been absolutely wonderful! My cousin got married, my other cousin came home from Afgahnistan! B got to spend time with her Grandparents and M! It was lovely! And I still have a week left! Hopefully a few more days to see family and friends, after that, not sure when we will be back in the states! Thinking about staying overseas for a while longer! I am loving it over there, minus the family being so far away!
Well the main reason for my post, just wanted to jot down so of my new ideas/goals...I have really been thinking about my life lately while I have been home! I really want to find a profession/career or even a dang hobby! Well I have decided that I am going to get into cupcake decorating and possibly floral design/bouquets! I helped my mom do the flowers for my cousins wedding, and I fell in love! I think it would be just a fun hobby to do on the side, or even just to do for my own house! :) I am still researching somethings about it but we shall see!
The cupcake thing has had me hooked for quite a while! I really want to get into decorating, my mom and M are both really creative and crafty, and I think this would help me relate to them more! I have practiced decorating just a bit, with some orange-monsters (supssed to be Elmo) and tried frosting a few cakes, but yes, more practice is a must! I am really interested in makeing cupcake cakes! I googled some photos, and I want to be able to dot hat! Wish me luck! :)
Soon I will be back in Germany and will have my own kitchen to begin my baking adventure! Let's see how it goes! :) My vacation here int he US has been absolutely wonderful! My cousin got married, my other cousin came home from Afgahnistan! B got to spend time with her Grandparents and M! It was lovely! And I still have a week left! Hopefully a few more days to see family and friends, after that, not sure when we will be back in the states! Thinking about staying overseas for a while longer! I am loving it over there, minus the family being so far away!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
So we are leaving for MN tomorrow morning! I don't think anyone has any idea how freaking excited I am!! :) Now, we just need to get through our 10 hour flight, 7 hour layover, and 2 hour flight to MN and we will be set! See you all soon!
Monday, May 24, 2010
<--This picture is of wooden faces, carved out by hand. They use these in celebrations such as Fasching (similar to Halloween).
<-- The family! Here we are at a locally owned farm, they served us our meal of smoked ham and swiss cheese. It was actually soo much better than it really sounds! They also had pickles, bread, and soda. Probably the best pickles EVER! :) They sang us their German National Anthem and played some music for us! They definitely made us feel welcome!
<-- Here is a photo of our meal! It was amazing!
This photo is of a German man carving out a tree for us to see. He hand-carves his own cuckoo clocks and sells them at local clock shops, as well customers in other countries. It was pretty neat to see someone so young doing something like this.
<-- My Briahna at the first wood-carver! The logs were formed to have a heart in the middle! :)
We also took a trip to Stuttgart this past weekend! I had the weekend off and let me tell you, it was amazing! I am NOT looking forward to going back to work this week! Anyways, our trip to Stuttgart consisted of the Wilhelma Botanical Garden, Kin's Palace Chinese food, the Porsche Museum, and a visit to the zentrum (city center). It was lovely! I'll post pics of that soon! :) Today, Monday, we spent the day at the pool! The weather has finally been nice and sunny! It has made me in a much better mood!
Well, I can NOT wait to come home the 31st! I am in need of some family time and shopping! Ugh! So excited and angry that I have to go to work this WHOLE week! boo! Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Procrastination anyone?

On a good note, Miss B is growing like a dang weed! :) I have been so busy the last few weeks, I litterally missed her growing 2 inches! What! She is getting so big, and she is so smart! She puts this smile on my face and knows how to keep it there! I am planning to enroll her into the Children's Learning Academy again! It is pricey, but worth it! She is so bright for being 2 1/2! Speaking of age, my little girl will be 3 in June! I can not believe this! The time sure flys! It is amazing to watch her personality develope over the years! Ah my love!
Also got my new camera the other day! I am in love! Can't wait to post new pictures of our upcoming trip this weekend! We are going to the Black Forest in Germany! I am so excited to spend the day with my 2 favorte people! Oh I also found my dress for K's wedding! Victoria Secret, how I love thee! It is adorable, and I am about to order it tonight! :) Well, just 20 more days and we will be on our way to Minne! Family and friends, here we come!
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