Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Can you say BUSY!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
A day of dino-mite!

Tuan and I took Bri to the park the other day, she loves it! She seems so brave climbing all over the place! She even goes down the slides by herself! But someones I like to hop on a few times too! One thing she hates is the swing! She won't ever sit in it! But as long as she is running around and exploring, that's all okay with mom! She is saying new words now other than kitty and doggy and puppy! Everyone and everything is daddy lately! And she repeats "Thank you" but it sounds more like "teeetchoo" haha.. its too cute tho! and She likes to say "no mo" I don't think she really is saying no more but its funny anyways! She just amazes me everyday!
Well that is all for now! I miss everyone and hope all is well back in the states! I can't wait to come home and praying to be home over Christmas with all of you! Take care and love all of u!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Well my weekend is over! Thank goodness! Nothing wrong with it, but I am just looking forward to the week. Tomorrow I have my first MOPS meeting! I am excited to meet some new moms! Hopefully some my age! I also have an appointment for my last bits of paperwork, before I can finally start working. I love spending time at home with Briahna, but I can see that sometimes it's not becomming a good habit. She is getting very clingy. Because when she cries, I am always right there. I sit on the floor to watch tv. I put off doing anything until she is sleeping or daddy is home. And when he is home, it is still a battle, getting her to be by her self or with daddy. She does play by her self when it is just daddy. But with me, she is ALWAYS by me. And I want/need her to be a little less clingy (only a lil tho :D) ! Just for a little peace of mind. I hardly ever get a moment to myself, UNLESS it is the shower. And that is one in a million! When I do get time to myself during her naps, it is spend cleaning up, or doing school work! Hopefully, we will get our car thisweek so I can go to the gym or just out for a while! For all those who stay at home, I give you props! Like I said, I love being homeand love Miss Briahna, but like anyone, I need time to myself just once in a while!!
But other than that, all is going well. Tuan has been working all week. He seems to enjoy it and he seems to be in a good mood when he comes home. I think he enjoys his work! :D Which is a good sign. Briahna is always wonderful. She is officially off the bottle and goes to sleep within 5-10 mins of laying down! She brushes her teeth, washes her hands, and helps dress/undress herself! She is growing up soo fast! Love her!
But I guess that is about it! Miss everyone! Hope to talk to u guys soon! Take carE!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Another Birthday...come...and gone...
I am getting closer to getting my job. Still filling out crazy paper work. They want all the details of my life! its insane! But at least i will be working. I also joined the MOPS group. Mothers of Preeschoolers. It starts Monday, so that should be fun! We should be getting our car this week too. It is taking forever, and making me stay in the house longer! ha! so stressful sometimes! my schooling is going well, but now I have to re-do everything I had already done! But oh well, easy stuff! Well Thats all for now! love and miss everyone! hope to call soon!